td bank sucks!! I’ve gone 6 days without money because they screwed up. still waiting for a refund to hit my account…those stupid asses.

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The wife is headed to new orleans and abandoning me and the kids to fend for ourselves this whole weekend.

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Headed to the philly zoo, then to valanni’s for mom’s day dinner. They’re known for their coffee martinis - which I will probably consume.

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it’s mad snowing - might wrap my socks in baggies, put on my boots/coat, go trudge around like when I was a kid - maybe without the baggies.

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I just drank some sunkist thinking I’d stay up with the baby. I’m awake from the caffeine and the kids are asleep. I should be sleeping!

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trying to get through the rest of work, going to get ready to decorate the house for Sky’s first birthday tomorrow!

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my desk is squeeking every time I type and it’s DRIVING ME CRAZY!! I can’t figure out what’s doing it. UGGGGGGG.

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